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Communications Consulting

Partnering with foundations and nonprofits

I’m a seasoned communications professional in the nonprofit, philanthropy, and education sectors, with over fifteen years of experience and a diverse portfolio including white papers, blog posts, and ghostwriting executive team communications. I have worked with communications and programming teams, shaping larger organizational strategies and communications infrastructure. ​​​


In my role as an outside contractor and consultant, I have amassed a wealth of experience in philanthropy that is both broad and deep, and I bring this expansive perspective with me to each new project. I understand the needs at the macro level—organizational frameworks, program development, messaging and branding—and have also been in the trenches at the “micro” level of writing and researching grants, field scans, case studies, and website content.

Services include:

  • external review/assessment for grants programs, communications strategy, audience and messaging research, strategic communications, one-on-one or team communications coaching  

  • field scans, program development, research and white papers, public relations and media strategy  

  • editorial assessments of individual pieces of the communications plan, including newsletters, websites, op-eds and articles, blogs, internal training documents, fundraising content, and social media content  

Having partnered extensively with both funders (foundations and donors) and fundraisers (nonprofits), I have a bird’s-eye understanding of the philanthropic sector as a whole.

Clients have included:

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